Bioenergetic therapists respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of all individuals. They are committed to furthering and protecting basic human rights and furthering human welfare. They are concerned for the best interest of their clients. Their knowledge and skills are used in a manner consistent with these values
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Bioenergetic therapists respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of all individuals. They are
committed to furthering and protecting basic human rights and furthering human welfare. They are
concerned for the best interest of their clients. Their knowledge and skills are used in a manner
consistent with these values
They adhere to the following principles:


A. In the practice of Bioenergetic Analysis, therapists maintain the highest standard of
the profession in which they were trained, adhering to the ethical principles of
their licensing or certifying boards.
B. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees take full responsibility for the consequences of
their professional behavior and acts. Their private conduct is a personal matter,
except when such conduct compromises the fulfillment of professional


A. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees, recognizing the boundaries of their competence
and technique, only provide services to and utilize techniques for which they are
qualified by training and experience. They refer clients to the appropriate
qualified professionals when it is in the interest of the client.
B. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees accurately represent their competence, training,
education, experience, and affiliations.
C. Bioenergetic therapists acknowledge the need for continuing education, expanding
and renewing their knowledge in their field in general, and in Bioenergetic
Analysis in particular.
D. They understand that competent professional functioning is profoundly related to
their understanding of their own personal issues, which are reflected in the body.
They engage in on-going work on these issues.
E. When personal problems or conflicts arise, bioenergetic therapists and trainees will
not engage in professional activity in which such problems would interfere with
effective functioning or would bring harm to clients, trainees, supervisees or
colleagues. They will seek competent professional assistance to determine

whether they should suspend, terminate, or curtail their professional activities for
the duration of such problems or conflicts.


A. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees avoid any action that will violate or diminish the
legal and civil rights of clients or of others who may be affected by their actions.
B. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees do not participate in, condone, or are associated
with fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.


A. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees do not practice, condone, facilitate or
collaborate with any form of discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex,
sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, marital status, political belief,
mental or physical handicap, or any other preference of personal characteristic,
condition or status.
B. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees make advance financial arrangements that
safeguard the best interest of and are clearly understood by the client.
C. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees terminate services to clients when such service
is no longer required nor no longer serves the client's needs or interests.
D. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees are continually cognizant of their own needs,
and do not exploit relationships with clients, trainees, supervisees, or employees
to meet their own needs or for personal advantage.
E. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees avoid relationship or commitments that conflict
with the interests of clients.
F. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees make every effort to avoid dual relationships
which could impair their professional judgment or increase the risk of
exploitation. (Dual relationships include treatment of employees, trainees,
supervisees, close friends, or relatives.)
G. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees under no circumstances engage in sexual
intimacies with their clients. Because of the nature of the therapeutic
relationship, bioenergetic therapists and trainees recognize that the act of
terminating therapy does not automatically change the relationship. Thus sex
with clients following termination is not condoned.
H. Sexual intimacies with trainees and supervisees are unethical.
I. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees do not condone or engage in sexual harassment
(deliberate or repeated comments, gestures or physical contacts of a sexual
nature that are considered offensive by the recipient).
J. The practice of Bioenergetic Analysis involves the need to observe the body in order
to identify characterological features as reflected in the body, requiring alteration
of usual dress. Bioenergetic therapists approach this issue with utmost sensitivity
and concern for the client's dignity and needs for privacy and boundaries.
Therapists and trainees take the required time to educate the client as to theory
and practice, and to establish an atmosphere of trust. They intervene
appropriately, taking into account the client's attitudes, background, history, and
character structure.
K. The practice of Bioenergetic Analysis involves physical touching of the client and
application of manual techniques. The bioenergetic therapist or trainee secures
consent for this dimension of the therapy, preferably in written form.
The bioenergetic therapist executes manual techniques with both ample skill
(including an adequate knowledge of the body), and a thorough awareness of the
physical condition of the client.
L. When bioenergetic therapists know of an ethical violation by another therapist in the
bioenergetic society, the therapist will attempt to resolve the issue by bringing
the behaviour to the attention of the accused therapist. If such an informal
approach does not bring about a solution, or if the violation is of a serious nature,
the matter will be brought to the attention of the local bioenergetic society's
ethics committee. The ethics committee has the discretion to act on the following
if the ethical violation is of a serious nature and the ethics committee
has enough factual information, or the said therapist is being investigated
by a state licensing board or judicial agency about these violations.
All written complaints lodged against a bioenergetic therapist will be considered
by the local society. Any written complaint regarding a trainer in the
International Institute will be brought to the ethics committee of the International


A. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees interact with their colleagues with respect,
courtesy, fairness, and good faith.
B. Bioenergetic therapists and trainees do not assume responsibility for the client of
another colleague without appropriate communication with that colleague.


Bioenergetic therapists and trainees respect the confidentiality of information
obtained from persons in the course of their professional activity. They reveal
such information only with the consent of the person involved, except in the
unusual circumstances in which not to do so would result in a clear danger to self
or others.

Information obtained through consulting relationships is discussed only for
professional purposes and only with persons clearly concerned with the case.
Written and oral reports should contain only material germane to the evaluation,
and every effort should be made to avoid undue invasion of privacy.

Bioenergetic therapists and trainees who present client material in lecture or in
written works obtain prior consent to do so or adequately disguise identifying

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